Year 3 (Class 10) - PSHE - Opinions of Others
Class 10 have been learning about respecting the opinions of others in PSHE.
We listened to two different versions of the same story and decided whether we thought the villain was really a villain or not. We had the opportunity to ask the characters some questions to help us make our minds…
Category: Year 3
Year 5 - Basketball Nets
Year 5 have been enjoying the new basketball nets.
Children have been practising their shooting skills and competing in shooting games.
Category: Year 5
Year 2 (Class 6) - R.E - Baptism
In class 6 we have been learning about how Christians celebrate baptism.
We looked at lots of photos of what happens at a baptism and had the chance to look at some of the special objects, such as a candle, christening gown and baptism certificates.
Category: Year 2
Year 2 (Class 6) - Money
In class 6 we have been learning all about money.
We can recognise all of the coins and notes, order them by value and count in pounds and pence.
This week we have been exploring how to make amounts in different ways, using the coins to do this practically.
Category: Year 2
Year 4 (Class 12) - Computing - Roman News Scripts
Today in computing we worked on our scripts for our Roman news programmes.
We finalised what we will be saying and what props and costumes we will need ready for filming against our green screen next week.
Category: Year 4
Year 4 (Class 10) - Commando Joes - Roman Battle
Class 10 had a fantastic time doing Commando Joes!
We pretended to be a Roman legion marching into battle! We were led by Miss Matley (who turned out to be a tough general!) and practiced marching in sync with each other by copying the person in front.
We then split into smaller teams where…
Category: Year 4
Year 3 (Class 10) - Commando Joes - Roman Battle
Class 10 had a fantastic time doing Commando Joes!
We pretended to be a Roman legion marching into battle! We were led by Miss Matley (who turned out to be a tough general!) and practiced marching in sync with each other by copying the person in front.
We then split into smaller teams where…
Category: Year 3
Reception - Animal Club Visit
In reception we have recently had a very exciting visitor - Amy from animal club.
She fetched a range of exotic animals for us to look at, such as a bearded dragon, gecko, snake and some rabbits.
The children were very brave and were able to touch and hold some of the animals.
Check out…
Category: Reception
Year 1 (Class 3) - Healthy Lifestyles
Class 3 have enjoyed being visited by Jack who is from the Leeds United Foundation and has been teaching the children about healthy lifestyles.
This week they loved playing different games in teams.
Category: Year 1
Year 1 (Class 3) - Computing - Bee Bots
Class 3 have been enjoying experimenting with the bee bots in their Computing lessons.
They have worked together to explore the different buttons on the bee bots to work out what they do.
The children then had a go at programming the bee bots to move where they wanted them to.
Category: Year 1
Year 2 (Class 6) - Art - Mosaic Buildings
Class 6 have continued learning new skills in their art lessons.
Today they have learnt all about mosaic and created their own mosaic buildings.
Category: Year 2
Year 3 (Class 9) - Drama with Lala!
This week, we enjoyed our drama session with Lala from Artis.
We started by working on our facial expressions and warming up our voices. We then acted in role as a rich Roman Emperor at a feast.
The children enjoyed getting into role and building up our performance confidence.
Category: Year 3