Year 3 (Class 9) - Anti-Bullying Workshop
Class 9 enjoyed taking part in an anti-bullying workshop. We learned what bullying is and now understand what it is when somebody is unkind several
We worked in teams to create freeze frames of what bullying may look like and discussed ways to deal with it in school.
Category: Year 3
Reception - Bonfire Night
This week we have also enjoyed learning about Bonfire night, why and how we celebrate it and how to keep safe. The children loved creating their own splatter painting inspired by the artist Jackson Pollock, to represent the fireworks in the sky.
To celebrate Bonfire Night, Miss Lavery and…
Category: Reception
Reception - Weekly Summary
This week we have all become a part of drawing club. In drawing club we read a story and draw pictures about it. This week we have been focusing on the story; The 3 little pigs. We have loved it! Some of the class 1 boys showed their interest in the story by building a house in the outdoor area…
Category: Reception
Year 2 (Class 6) - Bonfire Night
In class 6 we have explored Bonfire Night. We firstly looked at fire safety and how we can keep safe around fire and fireworks, before completing different bonfire activities, such as firework printing, designing a firework, writing firework poems and making safety posters.
Category: Year 2
Year 4 (Class 11) - Science - Rocks
Class 11 have been working hard classifying 6 different types of rock (slate, chalk, sandstone, marble, granite and limestone).
They followed questions to find out which ones were which and then answered questions about them.
Category: Year 4
Year 2 (Class 6) - RE & Music
In class 6 we enjoyed using the glockenspiels to learn a new song.
In RE we explored the story of "The Lost Sheep" and completed different activities linked to the story, including decorating cupcakes, making our own sheep, sequencing the story and writing a note telling someone why we loved…
Category: Year 2
Reception (Class 1) - Pumpkin Fun
We decided to take a closer look at the Pumpkin in our class. After reading the story "How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin?" we cut open the top of the pumpkin and took a look inside.
We past the pumpkin around the circle and the children made an estimate about how many seeds were inside. They also…
Category: Reception
Year 1 (Class 3) - Commando Joe's - Three Little Pigs
Class 3 have enjoyed taking part in Commando Joe's today.
We had to go through the forest to collect new materials for the three little pigs to build their house with!
We worked in teams to gather as many materials as we could.
Category: Year 1
Year 1 - Class 4 - Commando Joe's
Class 4 enjoyed completing a mission in their Commando Joe's session.
They had to help Goldilocks cross a fast-flowing river. They worked together in teams and used different pieces of equipment to help Goldilocks cross the river.
Category: Year 1
Year 1 - Class 4 - Harvest Festival Song
Class 4 have really enjoyed learning a new song 'Harvest Festival' to celebrate Harvest time.
We think you'll agree, that there are some future stars in our class!
Category: Year 1
Year 5 (Class 13) - World War ll
Class 13 have been working hard on their World War 2 remembrance landscapes this half term.
They have achieved some wonderful results and should be very proud of them.
Category: Year 5
Year 1 (Class 5) - Handwriting
The children in year 1 practiced anti-clockwise movements both on a large and small scale as part of their handwriting practice this week.
Category: Year 1