Year 1 (Class 5) - Bonfire Night

Image of Year 1 (Class 5) - Bonfire Night

In provision this week we have been making our own firework pictures using coloured match sticks or chalk.

We are really proud of this pictures we have created.

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:115 on 9 November 2022

Category: Year 1


Year 2 (Class 5) - Design Technology - Moving Pictures

Image of Year 2 (Class 5) - Design Technology - Moving Pictures

Class 5 have really enjoyed DT this week.

We have learned a new skill and can now make moving pictures with sliders. 

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:115 on 9 November 2022

Category: Year 2


Year 1 (Class 5) - Design Technology - Moving Pictures

Image of Year 1 (Class 5) - Design Technology - Moving Pictures

Class 5 have really enjoyed DT this week.

We have learned a new skill and can now make moving pictures with sliders. 

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:115 on 9 November 2022

Category: Year 1


Year 4 (Class 11) - Science - Rocks

Image of Year 4 (Class 11) - Science - Rocks

Class 11 have been looking at different types of rock in science.

We went for a walk around the local area to see what different rocks we could see if they were man made or natural and what they were used for. 

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:115 on 9 November 2022

Category: Year 4


Year 3 (Class 9) - Science - Rocks

Image of Year 3 (Class 9) - Science - Rocks

Today we went on a rock hunt to identify and compare the rocks in our local area.

We found lots of natural and man-made rocks being used for different things.

We found evidence of erosion and discussed why some things are used today. 

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:115 on 9 November 2022

Category: Year 3


Year 2 (Class 7) - Dantastic Education

Image of Year 2 (Class 7) - Dantastic Education

This week, we enjoyed a wonderful visit from Dantastic Education which presented an exciting Knights and Castles workshop.

The children dressed up as kings, queens, squires and knights! They looked fantastic! A huge thank you to the parents and carers who helped prepare these costumes.


Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:115 on 9 November 2022

Category: Year 2


Year 4 (Class 11) - Ice Skating

Image of Year 4 (Class 11) - Ice Skating

The children loved their experience on the ice and had improved their skills over the two weeks.

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:115 on 9 November 2022

Category: Year 4


Year 3 (Class 9) - Anti-Bullying Workshop

Image of Year 3 (Class 9) - Anti-Bullying Workshop

Class 9 enjoyed taking part in an anti-bullying workshop. We learned what bullying is and now understand what it is when somebody is unkind several

We worked in teams to create freeze frames of what bullying may look like and discussed ways to deal with it in school.

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:115 on 9 November 2022

Category: Year 3


Reception - Bonfire Night

Image of Reception - Bonfire Night

This week we have also enjoyed learning about Bonfire night, why and how we celebrate it and how to keep safe. The children loved creating their own splatter painting inspired by the artist Jackson Pollock, to represent the fireworks in the sky. 

To celebrate Bonfire Night, Miss Lavery and…

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:115 on 9 November 2022

Category: Reception


Reception - Weekly Summary

Image of Reception - Weekly Summary

This week we have all become a part of drawing club. In drawing club we read a story and draw pictures about it. This week we have been focusing on the story; The 3 little pigs. We have loved it! Some of the class 1 boys showed their interest in the story by building a house in the outdoor area…

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:115 on 9 November 2022

Category: Reception


Year 2 (Class 6) - Bonfire Night

Image of Year 2 (Class 6) - Bonfire Night

In class 6 we have explored Bonfire Night. We firstly looked at fire safety and how we can keep safe around fire and fireworks, before completing different bonfire activities, such as firework printing, designing a firework, writing firework poems and making safety posters. 

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:115 on 8 November 2022

Category: Year 2


Year 4 (Class 11) - Science - Rocks

Image of Year 4 (Class 11) - Science - Rocks

Class 11 have been working hard classifying 6 different types of rock (slate, chalk, sandstone, marble, granite and limestone).

They followed questions to find out which ones were which and then answered questions about them.

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:115 on 7 November 2022

Category: Year 4