Year 1 (Class 3 & Class 4) - World Book Day 2023

Image of Year 1 (Class 3 & Class 4) - World Book Day 2023

Class 3 and 4 enjoyed dressing up as their favourite character for World Book Day and taking part in some special activities.

They had a visit from a superhero called Bookman, who brought along his bag with lots of objects from different stories in it.

The children enjoyed guessing which…

Category: Year 1

English Phonics and Reading


KS1 Drawing Club (Y1)

Image of KS1 Drawing Club (Y1)

The KS1 drawing club took some time off drawing to create their very own beanstalk!

They have enjoyed listening to Jack and the Beanstalk and Jasper’s Beanstalk over the last two weeks and will use their imagination to draw and write about what is at the top of their super…

Category: Year 1



Year 1 (Class 3) - Children's Mental Health Week

Image of Year 1 (Class 3) - Children's Mental Health Week

Class 3 enjoyed taking part in Children's Mental Health Week. 

We discussed what mental health is and the range of emotions we might feel. We thought about how we show how we feel and who we can go to for help if we need it. 

We know that each of us makes up a special part of our class and…

Category: Year 1



Year 1 (Class 4) - Polar Explorers

Image of Year 1 (Class 4) - Polar Explorers

Class 4 enjoyed participating in the Polar Explorers workshop.

We learned lots about different explorers and why they explored the world. We had the chance to look at different artefacts from the Arctic.

Category: Year 1



Year 1 (Class 3) - Dantastic Explorer Visit

Image of Year 1 (Class 3) - Dantastic Explorer Visit

Class 3 enjoyed their visit from Dantastic who is an explorer! He has travelled to lots of different countries in the world, including Antarctica.

He came in to school to tell us all about polar explorers and polar animals.

We enjoyed exploring the objects that he brought in for us to look…

Category: Year 1



Year 1 (Class 3) - PSHE - Games from around the World

Image of Year 1 (Class 3) - PSHE - Games from around the World

Year 1 enjoyed a visit from Dan who came to teach us some playground games.

This was linked to our PSHE topic for this half term.

We loved learning some games from different places around the world that we can now play ourselves at playtime.

Category: Year 1



Year 1 (Class 3) - Healthy Lifestyles

Image of Year 1 (Class 3) - Healthy Lifestyles

Class 3 have enjoyed being visited by Jack who is from the Leeds United Foundation and has been teaching the children about healthy lifestyles.

This week they loved playing different games in teams.

Category: Year 1



Year 1 (Class 3) - Computing - Bee Bots

Image of Year 1 (Class 3) - Computing - Bee Bots

Class 3 have been enjoying experimenting with the bee bots in their Computing lessons.

They have worked together to explore the different buttons on the bee bots to work out what they do.

The children then had a go at programming the bee bots to move where they wanted them to.

Category: Year 1



Year 1 - Art - Snowflakes

Image of Year 1 - Art - Snowflakes

The children in KS1 have enjoyed creating transient art pictures depicting snowflakes as part of their fine motor development.

They used lots of loose parts, carefully placing them to make their frosty picture.

Category: Year 1



Year 1 (Class 3) - Exercise

Image of Year 1 (Class 3) - Exercise

Class 3 enjoyed playing games and learning about how exercise keeps us healthy with Jack who visited us from Leeds United.

Category: Year 1

Physical Education


Year 1 - Performance Poetry

Image of Year 1 - Performance Poetry

Year 1 have been learning about Performance Poetry as part of their English lessons.

They learned the poem 'A Little White Snowman' and thought about some actions to go with the poem.

Category: Year 1



Year 1 (Class 3) - Christmas Party

Image of Year 1 (Class 3) - Christmas Party

Class 3 had a great time at our Christmas party!

We did lots of dancing and played party games.

We were even lucky enough to have a visit from Santa who brought each of us a present.

Category: Year 1