KS1 - Christmas Pictures

Image of KS1 - Christmas Pictures

The children in key stage 1 have been creating Christmas pictures using loose parts to develop fine motor control.

I spy Father Christmas, do you? Ho, ho, ho!

Category: Year 1


Year 1 - Class 3 and Class 4 - Fine Motor Skills

Image of Year 1 - Class 3 and Class 4 - Fine Motor Skills

Children in class 3 and 4 have been developing fine motor skills this week.

They traced Santa’s sleigh trail with their finger, then carefully placed sequins, following the lines.

Some of the sequins were tiny so it was tricky but the children kept trying and concentrated hard.

Category: Year 1


Year 1 (Class 5) - P.E - Matball

Image of Year 1 (Class 5) - P.E - Matball

Class 5 have been learning a new game called mat ball with the PE coach Leon.

It’s a bit like dodgeball!

We have really enjoyed playing it and can’t wait to play it again. 

Category: Year 1


Year 1 (Class 5) - Bonfire Night

Image of Year 1 (Class 5) - Bonfire Night

In provision this week we have been making our own firework pictures using coloured match sticks or chalk.

We are really proud of this pictures we have created.

Category: Year 1


Year 1 (Class 5) - Design Technology - Moving Pictures

Image of Year 1 (Class 5) - Design Technology - Moving Pictures

Class 5 have really enjoyed DT this week.

We have learned a new skill and can now make moving pictures with sliders. 

Category: Year 1


Year 1 (Class 3) - Commando Joe's - Three Little Pigs

Image of Year 1 (Class 3) - Commando Joe's - Three Little Pigs

Class 3 have enjoyed taking part in Commando Joe's today.

We had to go through the forest to collect new materials for the three little pigs to build their house with!

We worked in teams to gather as many materials as we could.

Category: Year 1


Year 1 - Class 4 - Commando Joe's

Image of Year 1 - Class 4 - Commando Joe's

Class 4 enjoyed completing a mission in their Commando Joe's session.

They had to help Goldilocks cross a fast-flowing river. They worked together in teams and used different pieces of equipment to help Goldilocks cross the river.

Category: Year 1


Year 1 - Class 4 - Harvest Festival Song

Image of Year 1 - Class 4 - Harvest Festival Song

Class 4 have really enjoyed learning a new song 'Harvest Festival' to celebrate Harvest time.

We think you'll agree, that there are some future stars in our class!

Category: Year 1


Year 1 (Class 5) - Handwriting

Image of Year 1 (Class 5) - Handwriting

The children in year 1 practiced anti-clockwise movements both on a large and small scale as part of their handwriting practice this week. 

Category: Year 1


Year 1 - Class 3 - Glockenspiel Performance

Image of Year 1 - Class 3 - Glockenspiel Performance

Class 3 have worked really hard in music this half term and have enjoyed learning to sing different songs.

We have loved learning to play the glockenspiels and are really proud of our performance!

Category: Year 1


Year 1 (Class 3) - Commando Joe's

Image of Year 1 (Class 3) - Commando Joe's

Class 3 had lots of fun taking part in Commando Joe’s this week!

We worked in groups to figure out how to cross the river using the equipment we had chosen.

The children worked well together in their teams.

Category: Year 1


Year 1 - Autumn Activities

Image of Year 1 - Autumn Activities

The children in year one have enjoyed some autumn fine motor activities this week.

Holding the golf tee between their fingers and thumb, they carefully hammered it into the pumpkin.

They also attached pegs to leaves and used small stickers to place onto an autumn.

Category: Year 1