Year 2 (Class 7) - Farm Visit
Class 7 really enjoyed the farm visit. The children loved meeting the animals, especially the sheep dog Meg.
They met alpacas, goats, sheep, ducks, rabbits, donkeys, chickens and a rooster. They learnt about the animals, got to stroke and feed them.
They also got to milk a pretend…
Category: Year 2
Year 2 (Class 7) - Science - Testing Environments
Class 7 have been testing environments and what plants need to grow. We have completed different experiments thinking about what plants need to grow. To find this out we gave some plants water, some light and some were in the dark.
We discovered that the plant in the light that got watered grew…
Category: Year 2
Year 1 (Class 3) - Farm Visit
Class 3 loved their farm visit week and met lot of animals, including sheep, goats and alpacas.
The children learnt lots about the different animals and enjoyed playing with the farmer's sheepdog, Meg.
Category: Year 1
Year 1 - PSHE - How to Keep Safe Week
Year 1 learnt about respect and asking for permission during How to Keep Safe Week.
They also discussed NSPCC's PANTS rules and loved singing the Pantosaurus song!
Category: Year 1
Reception - PSHE - How to Keep Safe Week
The children in reception have enjoyed learning about the PANTS rules during 'How to Keep Safe' week and have designed their own pairs of pants!
Category: Reception
Year 5 (Class 14) - Personal Space
Class 14 had a great afternoon learning about personal space and how it differed for different people and different situations.
Well done everyone.
Category: Year 5
Year 2 - Fine Motor Control
Lots of activities to develop fine motor control in Key Stage this term.
Hammering, threading and making shapes to name but a few.
Category: Year 2
Year 1 - Fine Motor Control
Lots of activities to develop fine motor control in Key Stage this term.
Hammering, threading and making shapes to name but a few.
Category: Year 1
Year 5 (Class 13) - Design Technology - Finished Mobile Phone Stands
Class 13 have completed their phone stands today.
They have worked really hard on them and have achieved a lovely useful piece that they’ve taken home today.
Category: Year 5
Year 5 (Class 13) - French - Translating Sentences
Class 13 have been working hard in French to translate sentences about our everyday routines.
Category: Year 5
Year 5 (Class 13) - PSHE - Running Away
Class 13 have been working hard in PSHE, today we learnt about why someone would choose to run away from home and how we could help them to deal with their problems.
Category: Year 5
Year 5 (Class 13) - Computing - Wordpress
Class 13 have been learning more about Wordpress.
They have been commenting on each others blogs and can now see the importance of been kind when communicating online with people.
Category: Year 5