Year 5 - Music - Rocksteady Performances
Well done on your amazing performances!
Category: Year 5
Year 2 (Class 6) - Music - Glockenspiels
Class 6 have worked hard in music, practicing playing the start of little donkey on the glockenspiels.
They then improvised the sound of a donkeys hooves, then wrote down their composition before practising it and performing it in pairs.
We are still working on our timings but the pupils…
Category: Year 2
Year 2 (Class 6) - Computing - Scratch
Class 6 have worked hard in computing, learning how to use scratch, creating backgrounds and sprites.
Class 6 have created algorithms to make sprites move, debugged their algorithms if they go wrong, even challenging themselves by adding sounds and text.
The aim was to get a sprite to…
Category: Year 2
Year 5 (Class 12) - Music - 12 Days of Christmas
Class 12 have been practicing the 12 Days of Christmas over the past couple of weeks and created a video for everyone to enjoy.
Merry Christmas from class 12.
Category: Year 5
Year 1 (Class 4) - R.E - Cultural Outfits
As part of our Celebration Day, Mrs Sagoo and Miss Riyat dressed up in their cultural outfits and told us all about the things they do to celebrate Diwali.
They talked about The Golden Temple in India and brought in some beautiful diya lamps to show us.
Category: Year 1
Year 1 (Class 4) - R.E - Celebrations
Class 4 have been learning all about different celebrations this term in RE.
We have helped to organise our Christmas class celebration by making decorations and writing lists of food we would like to eat and games we would like to play at our party.
Category: Year 1
Year 5 (Class 13) - Art - Art at Home
A member of class 13 enjoyed taking home class 13’s Art at Home folder to complete different art activities over the weekend!
Category: Year 5
Year 5 (Class 12) - Christmas Jumper Day
Class 12 had a great day celebrating Christmas Jumper Day to raise money for Save The Children.
We had plenty of children wearing some lovey jumpers and getting dressed up.
Here is a selection.
Category: Year 5
Year 5 - Music Enrichment - Rocksteady Practice
Rock Steady children have been practising their performances.
Mr Needham dropped into rehearsal with a special visitor and both were very impressed with the performance!
Category: Year 5
Year 6 (Class 15) - P.E - Rugby Skills
Class 15 thoroughly enjoyed developing their rugby skills with a sports coach.
Children began with a warm-up and then moved on to practising their passing skills.
The lesson ended with children incorporating their passing skills into small sided games.
Category: Year 6
Year 6 (Class 15) - R.E - The Story of Jonah
Class 15 enjoyed learning about the story of Jonah and how the story of Jonah is remembered during Yom Kippur because it is an example of God’s forgiveness for those who truly repent.
Children enjoyed acting out scenes in small groups from the story of Jonah.
Each group performed their…
Category: Year 6
Year 6 (Class 15) - Maths - Converting
Class 15 demonstrated resilience when working on converting miles into kilometres and kilometres into miles.
Children completed a variety of questions on the topic.
Category: Year 6