Year 4 (Class 12) - Science - Food Chains
Today we learnt about food chains.
We learnt about the transfer of energy from the producers to the consumers and created food chains including a variety of prey and predators.
We used iPads to research pedators and prey in order to see who could construct the longest food chain.
Category: Year 4
Year 4 (Class 11) - English - Poetry Workshop
The children spent some time working in pairs to discuss their ideas for the class poem.
First they worked together in groups to make animals and shapes the author asked them to.
They were fantastic at working in groups and she was very impressed by them.
Category: Year 4
Year 4 (Class 11) - Music - The Recorder
Class 11 have been working hard learning the recorder.
They have learnt how many beats in a bar, that a crotchet is 2 beats and a minim is 3 beats and what they look like on a stave.
Please take a look at the video and admire the 2 tunes they have learnt.
Category: Year 4
Year 2 (Class 6) - Music - The Music Man
In music, class 6 have been learning 'The Music Man'.
Category: Year 2
Year 4 (Class 12) - English - Poetry Workshop
Class 12 enjoyed their poetry workshop to celebrate world book day.
Category: Year 4
Year 6 - Girls Football Club
The girls who attend football club after school on a Wednesday with Mr Needham have been working hard developing their football skills.
Football sessions work on developing pass and move (even playing handball) and developing an awareness of space.
The girls are also working hard on…
Category: Year 6
Year 5 - Girls Football Club
The girls who attend football club after school on a Wednesday with Mr Needham have been working hard developing their football skills.
Football sessions work on developing pass and move (even playing handball) and developing an awareness of space.
The girls are also working hard on…
Category: Year 5
Year 4 - Girls Football Club
The girls who attend football club after school on a Wednesday with Mr Needham have been working hard developing their football skills.
Football sessions work on developing pass and move (even playing handball) and developing an awareness of space.
The girls are also working hard on…
Category: Year 4
Year 2 (Class 6) - Geography - London Landmarks
Class 6 enjoyed making posters about London landmarks in geography.
Category: Year 2
Year 3 (Class 9) - Geography / Science - Tropical World Trip
Today we visited Tropical World to see what it is like in tropical climates and what animals live there.
We all enjoyed seeing the butterflies emerging from their pupae as well as flying around or landing on our heads! We also enjoyed all of the fish, reptiles, monkeys and insects.
We then…
Category: Year 3
KS2 - Reading - Poetry Workshop (Y6)
Well done to all of KS2 who created wonderful poems with our workshop to celebrate World Book Day.
Category: Year 6
KS2 - Reading - Poetry Workshop (Y5)
Well done to all of KS2 who created wonderful poems with our workshop to celebrate World Book Day.
Category: Year 5