Year 4 (Class 10) - Geography - Brazil
Class 10 had a lot of fun in Geography today. We learned about Brazil and how, in 1960, it’s capital city changed from Rio de Janeiro to Brazilia.
We looked at all of the reasons that they decided to move the capital and concluded that the most important reason was that they needed more space.…
Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:148 on 23 November 2022
Category: Year 4
Year 3 (Class 10) - Geography - Brazil
Class 10 had a lot of fun in Geography today. We learned about Brazil and how, in 1960, it’s capital city changed from Rio de Janeiro to Brazilia.
We looked at all of the reasons that they decided to move the capital and concluded that the most important reason was that they needed more space.…
Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:148 on 23 November 2022
Category: Year 3
Year 3 (Class 9) - French
Today we did some role play in school in our French lesson.
Children took their chance to take on the role of teacher and practiced classroom commands such as ‘ecoutez’ and ‘taisez-vous’.
Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:148 on 21 November 2022
Category: Year 3
Reception Parents - Phonics Open Morning
We were delighted to welcome reception parents and our chair of governors into school this week for our phonics information morning.
Our English and phonics leaders delivered a presentation to parents outlining our approach to teaching phonics using the 'Essential Letters and Sounds' programme…
Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:148 on 17 November 2022
Category: Reception
Year 5 (Class 14) - Rugby
Class 14 made the most of the wet weather by practicing their rugby skills in the hall.
Children recapped over their passing skills, running with the ball and finished with a number of ‘bench rugby ball’ games.
Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:148 on 16 November 2022
Category: Year 5
Reception (Class 1) - Maths
In maths this week we have been learning all about numbers 1 2 3 and all the different ways to represent them.
As a class we made a huge poster and everyone added something on to it; 2 circles, number block 3, 1 robot, 2 apples etc.
Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:148 on 14 November 2022
Category: Reception
Reception (Class 1) - Firefighters
This week in class 1 we have been discussing firefighters, their roles and how they help us.
We talked about whether we had seen any firefighters over the bonfire weekend and how they help to keep us safe.
The children enjoyed painting fire engines and taking on the firefighter role when…
Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:148 on 14 November 2022
Category: Reception
Reception (Class 1) - Teddy Bear Hospital
Today we had a very exciting afternoon!
We had visitors from the teddy bear hospital and they showed us lots of different things and taught us all about what doctors do and how to keep our body healthy.
- Healthy Eating - We looked at different types of foods and sorted them into healthy…
Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:148 on 14 November 2022
Category: Reception
Year 4 (Class 11) - Design Technology - Strength
Class 11 spent the afternoon trying to make a table to hold a glue lid/stick or a strong tent that won’t blow over, all out of paper.
We used twisting, rolling and folding to make a sheet of paper stronger to achieve our structure.
Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:148 on 14 November 2022
Category: Year 4
Nursery - Night Monkey Day Monkey
The children have loved discussing our story - 'Night Monkey, Day Monkey'.
Some decided that they would like to stay up all night to see the fireflies and here the chorus of frogs and others thought it was funny that beautifies were called decorated moths. They were all pleased that the monkeys…
Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:148 on 14 November 2022
Category: Nursery
Nursery - Weekly Summary (07.11.2022)
A busy week in nursery, we took a lot of our maths learning outside - making shapes with sticks, playing hide and seek the numbers and shapes, finding shapes in our environment and discovering that you can't make a circle shape with sticks and planks - "they won't bend and go round" the children…
Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:148 on 14 November 2022
Category: Nursery
Year 2 (Class 6) - Remembrance Day
We have thought about Remembrance all week in class 6.
We thought about how difficult it would be leaving our home and family and wrote poems about what home means to us.
We did some creative activities too, including decorating a biscuit and printing a poppy field.
Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:148 on 11 November 2022
Category: Year 2