Year 3 (Class 8) - Emperor Speeches

Image of Year 3 (Class 8) - Emperor Speeches

Class 8 have enjoyed presenting their speeches to the emperor, telling him why their gladiator schools make the best fighters!

Category: Year 3



Year 3 (Class 9) - Science - Magnetised Nails

Image of Year 3 (Class 9) - Science - Magnetised Nails

Today we magnetised a nail to test how long it would stay magnetic for.

We all took different approaches and we discussed our results and anomalies as a class. 

Category: Year 3



Year 3 (Class 10) - R.E - Bhangra Dancing

Image of Year 3 (Class 10) - R.E - Bhangra Dancing

Class 10 have been learning about how people express their faith in different forms.

We learned about how Vaisakhi is celebrated, which is a festival observed in Punjab similar to a harvest festival.

We learned how people express themselves through Bhangra dancing and had a go at it…

Category: Year 3

Music Religious Education


Year 3 (Class 9) - R.E - Sikhism

Image of Year 3 (Class 9) - R.E - Sikhism

This week in class 9 we have been looking at Sikhism and how music is a big part of how Sikhs worship and learn.

We listened to Sikh music and learned this dance.

Category: Year 3

Religious Education


Year 3 (Class 10) - PSHE - Put Downs

Image of Year 3 (Class 10) - PSHE - Put Downs

Class 10 have been learning about how to respond to put downs. 

We learned that a put down is something that makes you feel bad and said to deliberately make you feel like you can’t do something. 

We then talked about characters in stories who faced put downs and discussed strategies they…

Category: Year 3



Year 3 (Class 10) - Reading - Contrasting Characters

Image of Year 3 (Class 10) - Reading - Contrasting Characters

In reading, class 10 have been comparing and contrasting characters from the same story.

We worked in groups of 3 or 4 to explain what was similar and different about characters.

Miss Matley and Mr Wedge were very impressed with some of the debates that were happening, including how one of…

Category: Year 3

English Phonics and Reading


Year 3 (Class 10) - PSHE - Opinions of Others

Image of Year 3 (Class 10) - PSHE - Opinions of Others

Class 10 have been learning about respecting the opinions of others in PSHE.

We listened to two different versions of the same story and decided whether we thought the villain was really a villain or not. We had the opportunity to ask the characters some questions to help us make our minds…

Category: Year 3



Year 3 (Class 10) - Commando Joes - Roman Battle

Image of Year 3 (Class 10) - Commando Joes - Roman Battle

Class 10 had a fantastic time doing Commando Joes!

We pretended to be a Roman legion marching into battle! We were led by Miss Matley (who turned out to be a tough general!) and practiced marching in sync with each other by copying the person in front.

We then split into smaller teams where…

Category: Year 3

Commando Joe's History


Year 3 (Class 9) - Drama with Lala!

Image of Year 3 (Class 9) - Drama with Lala!

This week, we enjoyed our drama session with Lala from Artis.

We started by working on our facial expressions and warming up our voices. We then acted in role as a rich Roman Emperor at a feast.

The children enjoyed getting into role and building up our performance confidence. 

Category: Year 3



Year 3 (Class 9) - French - Poems

Image of Year 3 (Class 9) - French - Poems

In French we have been using our growing French vocabulary to translate bits of a poem. We worked out it was about a rainbow.

Category: Year 3



Year 3 (Class 9) - R.E - Hannah Dunnett

Image of Year 3 (Class 9) - R.E - Hannah Dunnett

We looked at Christian artist Hannah Dunnett and have begun creating our own art in the same style.

Category: Year 3

Religious Education


Year 3 (Class 9) - Science - Friction

Image of Year 3 (Class 9) - Science - Friction

We learnt about friction today by testing different surfaces.

We made sure we only changed one thing (the surface) and used rulers to measure how far the cars travelled.

Category: Year 3
