Year 6 - Computing Club - Door Alarm
Antoni and Jamie successfully programmed a robot door alarm with the Lego Mindstorm Kits we have in school.
Well done!
Category: Year 6
Year 5 - Computing Club - Door Alarm
Antoni and Jamie successfully programmed a robot door alarm with the Lego Mindstorm Kits we have in school.
Well done!
Category: Year 5
Year 6 (Class 15) - PSHE - Anti Racism
In class 15, we found it really interesting learning from the book ‘If the World Were a Village’ and we have produced some great pieces of art to represent all the important statistics that we learnt whilst reading the boo.
Some of the statistics really shocked us but it made us realise just…
Category: Year 6
Year 3 (Class 8) - English - Poetry
Today we performed our own poetry in the style of Benjamin Zephaniah.
We thought about our audience and and tried to speak confidently.
Category: Year 3
Year 1 (Class 4) - Science - The Five Senses
Class 4 have been learning about the five senses and the parts of our bodies we use for each one.
Today we have tested our sense of taste and have tasted different foods, including marmite and honey.
We talked about how each food tasted and then made a bar chart to show which one our class…
Category: Year 1
Year 3 (Class 8) - History - Black History Month
In class 8 we have been learning about some of the achievements of black people who have been forgotten by history.
Today we learned all about the achievements of Bessie Coleman who was the first female African American pilot.
We then created a mixed media piece of artwork about Black…
Category: Year 3
Year 6 (Class 15) - Wear Red Day
We enjoyed wearing red to show that we at St Bart’s all stand together in standing up to racism.
Category: Year 6
Year 6 (Class 15) - Science - The Digestive System
We had great fun taking part in an experiment that helped us understand how the digestive system works.
Category: Year 6
Year 6 (Class 15) - R.E - Sikhism
In RE this half term, we have been learning about Sikhism and we had our own expert on on hand to explain the importance of the 5K’s.
Category: Year 6
Year 4 (Class 9) - Science - Concept Maps
Class 9 had a great time creating concept maps for their science work on plants.
We got to use our whiteboard pens on the tables to create a map of all of our knowledge.
Luckily, it came off easily!
Category: Year 4
Year 3 (Class 9) - Science - Concept Maps
Class 9 had a great time creating concept maps for their science work on plants.
We got to use our whiteboard pens on the tables to create a map of all of our knowledge.
Luckily, it came off easily!
Category: Year 3
Year 1 (Class 4) - Music - Glockenspiels
Class 4 have enjoyed having a go at playing the glockenspiels in their Music lessons this half term.
Well done class 4!
Category: Year 1