Year 1 (Class 3) - Computing - Bee Bots

Image of Year 1 (Class 3) - Computing - Bee Bots

Class 3 have been enjoying experimenting with the bee bots in their Computing lessons.

They have worked together to explore the different buttons on the bee bots to work out what they do.

The children then had a go at programming the bee bots to move where they wanted them to.

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:108 on 23 January 2023

Category: Year 1



Year 2 (Class 6) - Art - Mosaic Buildings

Image of Year 2 (Class 6) - Art - Mosaic Buildings

Class 6 have continued learning new skills in their art lessons.

Today they have learnt all about mosaic and created their own mosaic buildings. 

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:108 on 23 January 2023

Category: Year 2



Year 3 (Class 9) - Drama with Lala!

Image of Year 3 (Class 9) - Drama with Lala!

This week, we enjoyed our drama session with Lala from Artis.

We started by working on our facial expressions and warming up our voices. We then acted in role as a rich Roman Emperor at a feast.

The children enjoyed getting into role and building up our performance confidence. 

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:108 on 23 January 2023

Category: Year 3



Year 2 - Art - Snowflakes

Image of Year 2 - Art - Snowflakes

The children in KS1 have enjoyed creating transient art pictures depicting snowflakes as part of their fine motor development.

They used lots of loose parts, carefully placing them to make their frosty picture.

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:108 on 23 January 2023

Category: Year 2



Year 1 - Art - Snowflakes

Image of Year 1 - Art - Snowflakes

The children in KS1 have enjoyed creating transient art pictures depicting snowflakes as part of their fine motor development.

They used lots of loose parts, carefully placing them to make their frosty picture.

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:108 on 23 January 2023

Category: Year 1



Year 3 (Class 9) - French - Poems

Image of Year 3 (Class 9) - French - Poems

In French we have been using our growing French vocabulary to translate bits of a poem. We worked out it was about a rainbow.

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:108 on 20 January 2023

Category: Year 3



Year 3 (Class 9) - R.E - Hannah Dunnett

Image of Year 3 (Class 9) - R.E - Hannah Dunnett

We looked at Christian artist Hannah Dunnett and have begun creating our own art in the same style.

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:108 on 20 January 2023

Category: Year 3

Religious Education


Year 5 - Class 13 - Make You Feel My Love

Image of Year 5 - Class 13 - Make You Feel My Love

Class 13 have been learning to sing Adele’s version of 'Make You Feel My Love', written by Bob Dylan.

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:108 on 19 January 2023

Category: Year 5



Year 5 - St Giles Trust Visit

Image of Year 5 - St Giles Trust Visit

Today, year five had an assembly lead by the St Giles trust.

We learnt about how to be a good citizen and the importance of rules in society. All the children were really engaged and had lots of ideas and offered lots of brilliant answers to the questions and problems posed by the…

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:108 on 19 January 2023

Category: Year 5



Nursery - Summary - 17.01.2023

Image of Nursery - Summary - 17.01.2023

Judy and Nevaeh are nursing their babies. “We are trying to get them to sleep”.

Khadija is preparing the food for the baby, whilst Angel is putting the baby into the high chair ready for dinner.

Jack makes a cup of tea and Hussnain is reading a Peppa Pig book on the sofa.

Haniya, Deem and…

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:108 on 17 January 2023

Category: Nursery


Nursery - Snow

Image of Nursery - Snow

We were very excited today because we managed to see, touch and watch the snow falling today.

We started of just seeing very fine little snow flakes but eventually we saw big snow flakes. We caught the flakes, the laughed at each other as our hair turned white when the snow landed on it and all…

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:108 on 17 January 2023

Category: Nursery


Year 4 (Class 11) - Computing - News Report

Image of Year 4 (Class 11) - Computing - News Report

Class 11 have worked in groups to start writing a script for a news report.  

They have allocated roles from anchor to sports presenter, reporting about the life and times of the Roman era.

They will turn this into a video report in future weeks, so keep your eye out for their final…

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:108 on 17 January 2023

Category: Year 4
