Year 3 (Class 9) - P.E - Tennis Skills

Image of Year 3 (Class 9) - P.E - Tennis Skills

We had a great time this morning at our tennis session. This week we worked together in our teams and encouraged each other. 

We also practiced throwing, catching and hitting the ball up in the air.

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:60 on 20 November 2023

Category: Year 3

Physical Education


Year 5 (Class 13) - English - Reading Plus

Image of Year 5 (Class 13) - English - Reading Plus

Haider, Mayedah and Darasimi have achieved awards from Reading Plus- well done!

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:60 on 20 November 2023

Category: Year 5

English Phonics and Reading


Year 6 - Leeds United Foundation - Railway Safety

Image of Year 6 - Leeds United Foundation - Railway Safety

Leeds United Foundation visited the school (in partnership with Network Rail) to deliver a ‘Railway Safety’ assembly to year 6.

The assembly covered areas such as the dangers of tracks and how the railways can be used safely.  

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:60 on 20 November 2023

Category: Year 6



Year 6 (Class 17) - P.E - Rugby

Image of Year 6 (Class 17) - P.E - Rugby

Class 17 have started working with sports coaches from Leeds Beckett university.

We had a fun first session with them introducing the class to rugby.

Well done class 17!

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:60 on 17 November 2023

Category: Year 6

Physical Education


Year 5 (Class 13) - English - Reading Plus

Image of Year 5 (Class 13) - English - Reading Plus

Class 13 are developing their fluency and comprehension skills during their Reading Plus sessions in school. 

As you can see from the videos the reading window encourages them to read at a certain pace, this increases/ depending on the ability of the child. 

After they have read they then…

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:60 on 17 November 2023

Category: Year 5



Year 5 (Class 13) - Design Technology - Cam Toys

Image of Year 5 (Class 13) - Design Technology - Cam Toys

Children in class 13 have tested out their cam toys and evaluated the movements. 

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:60 on 17 November 2023

Category: Year 5

Design Technology


Year 3 (Class 9) - English - Book Recommendations

Image of Year 3 (Class 9) - English - Book Recommendations

Today we had our fortnightly library visit.

We talked about the books we had read and whether we would recommend them to others. 

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:60 on 17 November 2023

Category: Year 3



Year 4 (Class 10) - English - Writing

Image of Year 4 (Class 10) - English - Writing

It has been lovely watching class 10 to support each other while editing their work. We talked about how we each have different strengths and how we can support each other’s learning.

We then helped each other add expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials to our writing, as well as checking…

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:60 on 17 November 2023

Category: Year 4



Year 3 (Class 10) - English - Writing

Image of Year 3 (Class 10) - English - Writing

It has been lovely watching class 10 to support each other while editing their work.

We talked about how we each have different strengths and how we can support each other’s learning. We then helped each other add expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials to our writing, as well as checking…

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:60 on 17 November 2023

Category: Year 3



Year 5 (Class 13) - Homework Challenges - Hamza

Image of Year 5 (Class 13) - Homework Challenges - Hamza

Our homework challenges are coming in thick and fast. Hamza class 13 has made a brilliant moving toy. 

Well done Hamza!

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:60 on 17 November 2023

Category: Year 5


Year 6 (Class 15) - Science - Mass and Weight

Image of Year 6 (Class 15) - Science - Mass and Weight

Class 15 enjoyed measuring and comparing the mass and weight of different items in class for science.

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:60 on 17 November 2023

Category: Year 6



Year 5 (Class 15) - Science - Mass and Weight

Image of Year 5 (Class 15) - Science - Mass and Weight

Class 15 enjoyed measuring and comparing the mass and weight of different items in class for science.

Posted by /blog/author/pworsnop/page:60 on 17 November 2023

Category: Year 5
