Reception (Class 1) - What's Inside our Bodies?
Today we continued our learning about our bodies and discussed what is inside!
We had a look at pictures of our skeleton, our bones and some x-ray pictures too! The children then, using the drawing of Hannah from the previous lesson, label the body using the x-ray pictures of the bones! Class 1…
Category: Reception
Reception (Class 1) - Our Bodies
This week to carry on our learning of 'Who am I? Where do I belong?' we have been focusing on our bodies.
Today we draw around Hannah's body and then the children worked together to add the name labels for the different parts of the body, including elbow, toenail and ear!
The children then…
Category: Reception
Year 2 (Class 7) - English - Author Visit
Year 2 had an author visit. They listened to a twisted fairy tale by Bethan Woollvin, learnt about the process of writing and illustrating a book and learnt how to draw the characters.
We will be continuing to do work on her version of Rapunzel in class.
Category: Year 2
Year 6 (Class 16) - Science - Theories of the Universe
In science this week, year 6 have been looking at heliocentric and geocentric theories of the universe.
They became different scientists and told us through a story how views changed overtime.
Category: Year 6
Year 2 (Class 5) - Maths - 2 Digit Numbers
In class 5 children have been practising their number formation to write 2 digit numbers. They have used chalk, glitter, match sticks and playdough to make numbers to 100.
The children worked in pairs to represent the numbers in different ways using words, tens and ones and part whole models.…
Category: Year 2
Year 1 (Class 3) - English - Alphabet Puzzle
Some children in class 3 decided to try the alphabet caterpillar puzzle today.
Myself and Miss O'Brien are very impressed with the teamwork they showed to complete it.
Category: Year 1
Year 1 (Class 3) - Maths - Numbers within 10
In class today we have been learning how to compare numbers within 10.
Roza took herself off to the Maths whiteboard and did this.
We are all very impressed.
Category: Year 1
Year 6 (Class 17) - Homework Achievement
Well done to Lilly and Believe who have completed their half term homework of making a moving toy.
Category: Year 6
Year 3 (Class 9) - Music - Ukeles
In music today we learnt more about finding a beat and how to play the c chord on the ukeles.
Category: Year 3
Year 3 (Class 9) - PSHE - SEMH (Social, Emotional and Mental Health)
Today in SEMH (social, emotional and mental health) we talked about things we liked in school that made us happy.
This made us thinks about the little things we can do to make the people we see each day happy.
Category: Year 3
Year 4 (Class 11) - Commando Joe's - Obstacles
Class 11 have been thinking about the obstacles Ed Stafford may come across on his journey down the Amazon.
We thought about how he may have to cross the river at some point and how he would have to use anything he may have around him to make a bridge.
The children used the equipment given…
Category: Year 4
Year 6 (Class 15) - Music - Glockenspiels
Class 15 have enjoyed singing the song Ghost Parade and playing along using the glockenspiels we will add more instruments over the coming weeks.
Well done class 15.
Category: Year 6